

Execute a shell command

acl show

Show a named ACL or list all named ACLs

ael reload

Reload AEL configuration

ael set debug {read|tokens|macros|contexts|off}

Enable AEL debugging flags

agi dump html

Dumps a list of AGI commands in HTML format

agi exec

Add AGI command to a channel in Async AGI

agi set debug [on|off]

Enable/Disable AGI debugging

agi show commands [topic]

List AGI commands or specific help

aoc set debug

enable cli debugging of AOC messages

ari mkpasswd

Encrypts a password

ari set debug

Enable/disable debugging of an ARI application

ari show apps

List registered ARI applications

ari show app

Display details of a registered ARI application

ari show status

Show ARI settings

ari show users

List ARI users

ari show user

List single ARI user

astobj2 container check

Perform a container integrity check

astobj2 container dump

Show container contents

astobj2 container stats

Show container statistics

astobj2 show stats

Print astobj2 statistics

astobj2 test

Test astobj2

bridge kick

Kick a channel from a bridge

bridge show all

List all bridges

bridge show

Show information about a bridge

bridge technology show

List registered bridge technologies

bridge technology {suspend|unsuspend}

Suspend/unsuspend a bridge technology

cc cancel [core|all]

Kill a CC transaction

cc report status

Reports CC stats

cdr set debug [on|off]

Enable debugging in the CDR engine

cdr show active

Display active CDRs for channels

cdr show pgsql status

Show connection status of the PostgreSQL CDR driver (cdr_pgsql)

cdr show status

Display the CDR status

cdr submit

Posts all pending batched CDR data

cel show status

Display the CEL status

channel originate

Originate a call

channel redirect

Redirect a call

channel request hangup

Request a hangup on a given channel

cli check permissions

Try a permissions config for a user

cli reload permissions

Reload CLI permissions config

cli show aliases

Show CLI command aliases

cli show permissions

Show CLI permissions

config list

Show all files that have loaded a configuration file

config reload

Force a reload on modules using a particular configuration file

config show help

Show configuration help for a module

console answer

Answer an incoming console call

console autoanswer [on|off]

Sets/displays autoanswer

console dial

Dial an extension on the console

console hangup

Hangup a call on the console

console send text

Send text to the remote device

console {mute|unmute} [toggle]

Disable/Enable mic input

core abort shutdown

Cancel a running shutdown

core clear profile

Clear profiling info

core ping taskprocessor

Ping a named task processor

core reload

Global reload

core restart gracefully

Restart Asterisk gracefully

core restart now

Restart Asterisk immediately

core restart when convenient

Restart Asterisk at empty call volume

core set debug channel

Enable/disable debugging on a channel

core set debug

Set level of debug chattiness

core set verbose

Set level of verbose chattiness

core show applications [like|describing]

Shows registered dialplan applications

core show application

Describe a specific dialplan application

core show calls [uptime]

Display information on calls

core show channels [concise|verbose|count]

Display information on channels

core show channel

Display information on a specific channel

core show channeltypes

List available channel types

core show channeltype

Give more details on that channel type

core show codecs [audio|video|image|text]

Displays a list of registered codecs

core show codec

Shows a specific codec

core show config mappings

Display config mappings (file names to config engines)

core show file formats

Displays file formats

core show file version

List versions of files used to build Asterisk

core show functions [like]

Shows registered dialplan functions

core show function

Describe a specific dialplan function

core show hanguphandlers all

Show hangup handlers of all channels

core show hanguphandlers

Show hangup handlers of a specified channel

core show help

Display help list, or specific help on a command

core show hints

Show dialplan hints

core show hint

Show dialplan hint

core show image formats

Displays image formats

core show license

Show the license(s) for this copy of Asterisk

core show locks

Show which locks are held by which thread

core show profile

Display profiling info

core show settings

Show some core settings

core show sounds

Shows available sounds

core show sound

Shows details about a specific sound

core show switches

Show alternative switches

core show sysinfo

Show System Information

core show taskprocessors

List instantiated task processors and statistics

core show threads

Show running threads

core show translation

Display translation matrix

core show uptime [seconds]

Show uptime information

core show version

Display version info

core show warranty

Show the warranty (if any) for this copy of Asterisk

core stop gracefully

Gracefully shut down Asterisk

core stop now

Shut down Asterisk immediately

core stop when convenient

Shut down Asterisk at empty call volume

core waitfullybooted

Wait for Asterisk to be fully booted

data get

Data API get

data show providers

Show data providers

database del

Removes database key/value

database deltree

Removes database keytree/values

database get

Gets database value

database put

Adds/updates database value

database query

Run a user-specified query on the astdb

database show

Shows database contents

database showkey

Shows database contents

devstate change

Change a custom device state

devstate list

List currently known custom device states

dialplan add extension

Add new extension into context

dialplan add ignorepat

Add new ignore pattern

dialplan add include

Include context in other context

dialplan debug

Show fast extension pattern matching data structures

dialplan reload

Reload extensions and *only* extensions

dialplan remove context

Remove a specified context

dialplan remove extension

Remove a specified extension

dialplan remove ignorepat

Remove ignore pattern from context

dialplan remove include

Remove a specified include from context

dialplan save

Save current dialplan into a file

dialplan set chanvar

Set a channel variable

dialplan set extenpatternmatchnew false

Use the Old extension pattern matching algorithm.

dialplan set extenpatternmatchnew true

Use the New extension pattern matching algorithm.

dialplan set global

Set global dialplan variable

dialplan show

Show dialplan

dialplan show chanvar

Show channel variables

dialplan show globals

Show global dialplan variables

dnsmgr refresh

Performs an immediate refresh

dnsmgr reload

Reloads the DNS manager configuration

dnsmgr status

Display the DNS manager status

fax set debug {on|off}

Enable/Disable FAX debugging on new FAX sessions

fax show capabilities

Show the capabilities of the registered FAX technology modules

fax show session

Show the status of the named FAX sessions

fax show sessions

Show the current FAX sessions

fax show settings

Show the global settings and defaults of both the FAX core and technology modules

fax show stats

Summarize FAX session history

fax show version

Show versions of FAX For Asterisk components

features show

Lists configured features

file convert

Convert audio file

group show channels

Display active channels with group(s)

http show status

Display HTTP server status

indication add

Add the given indication to the country

indication remove

Remove the given indication from the country

indication show

Display a list of all countries/indications

keys init

Initialize RSA key passcodes

keys show

Displays RSA key information

local show channels

List status of local channels

logger add channel

Adds a new logging channel

logger mute

Toggle logging output to a console

logger reload

Reopens the log files

logger remove channel

Removes a logging channel

logger rotate

Rotates and reopens the log files


Enables/Disables a specific logging level for this console

logger show channels

List configured log channels

manager reload

Reload manager configurations

manager set debug [on|off]

Show, enable, disable debugging of the manager code

manager show command

Show a manager interface command

manager show commands

List manager interface commands

manager show connected

List connected manager interface users

manager show eventq

List manager interface queued events

manager show events

List manager interface events

manager show event

Show a manager interface event

manager show settings

Show manager global settings

manager show users

List configured manager users

manager show user

Display information on a specific manager user

minivm list accounts [for]

List defined mini-voicemail boxes

minivm list templates

List message templates

minivm list zones

List zone message formats

minivm reload

Reload Mini-voicemail configuration

minivm show settings

Show mini-voicemail general settings

minivm show stats

Show some mini-voicemail statistics

mixmonitor {start|stop|list}

Execute a MixMonitor command

module load

Load a module by name

module reload

Reload configuration for a module

module show [like]

List modules and info

module unload

Unload a module by name

moh reload

Reload MusicOnHold

moh show classes

List MusicOnHold classes

moh show files

List MusicOnHold file-based classes

no debug channel

Disable debugging on channel(s)

parking show

Show a parking lot or a list of all parking lots.

presencestate change

Change a custom presence state

presencestate list

List currently know custom presence states

realtime destroy

Delete a row from a RealTime database

realtime load

Used to print out RealTime variables.

realtime store

Store a new row into a RealTime database

realtime update

Used to update RealTime variables.

realtime update2

Used to test the RealTime update2 method

rtcp set debug {on|off|ip}

Enable/Disable RTCP debugging

rtcp set stats {on|off}

Enable/Disable RTCP stats

rtp set debug {on|off|ip}

Enable/Disable RTP debugging

say load [new|old]

Set or show the say mode

sip notify

Send a notify packet to a SIP peer

sip prune realtime [peer|all]

Prune cached Realtime users/peers

sip qualify peer

Send an OPTIONS packet to a peer

sip reload

Reload SIP configuration

sip set debug {on|off|ip|peer}

Enable/Disable SIP debugging

sip set history {on|off}

Enable/Disable SIP history

sip show {channels|subscriptions}

List active SIP channels or subscriptions

sip show channelstats

List statistics for active SIP channels

sip show channel

Show detailed SIP channel info

sip show domains

List our local SIP domains

sip show hikarihgw

Show Hikari-denwa HGW settings

sip show history

Show SIP dialog history

sip show inuse [all]

List all inuse/limits

sip show mwi

Show MWI subscriptions

sip show objects

List all SIP object allocations

sip show peers [like]

List defined SIP peers

sip show peer

Show details on specific SIP peer

sip show registry

List SIP registration status

sip show sched

Present a report on the status of the scheduler queue

sip show settings

Show SIP global settings

sip show tcp

List TCP Connections

sip show users [like]

List defined SIP users

sip show user

Show details on specific SIP user

sip unregister

Unregister (force expiration) a SIP peer from the registry

sorcery memory cache dump

Dump all objects within a sorcery memory cache

sorcery memory cache expire

Expire a specific object or ALL objects within a sorcery memory cache

sorcery memory cache populate

Clear and populate the sorcery memory cache with objects from the backend

sorcery memory cache show

Show sorcery memory cache information

sorcery memory cache stale

Mark a specific object or ALL objects as stale within a sorcery memory cache

stun set debug {on|off}

Enable/Disable STUN debugging

timing test

Run a timing test

udptl set debug {on|off|ip}

Enable/Disable UDPTL debugging

udptl show config

Show UDPTL config options


Set or show process resource limits

xmldoc dump

Dump the XML docs to the specified file
